Project 1: Sdkfz. 247B

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Construction report Sdkfz 247b in scale 1: 1
First of all was the desire to build a Sdkfz 222. However, at that time (today it's different) I realized that it was almost impossible to find a (payable) chassis with a 4wd rear engine.
In the book by Spielberger "armored wheeled vehicles of the german army until 1945" I discovered then the 247b, one of the few german armored wheel vehicles with front engine
Sdkfz 247b

The original
The Sdkfz 247b was developed and assembled at Daimler Benz in Berlin-Lichterfelde. About the manufactured quantities, there are different informations, they vary between about 60 -90 pieces.
No original has survived the war
Some technical data:
Chassis: Einheitsfahrgestell I for heavy cars, manufacturer Auto-Union
Engine: 3800 cc Horch V8, 81 hp
Drive: four-wheel drive
Wheelbase: 3000 mm
Track width: 1640mm
Tires: 210-18 off-road tires
Length: approx. 5000 mm
Width: approx. 2000 mm
Height: approx. 1800 mm
Armor: 8mm